Yesterday, November 12, 2021, the Diocese of Shyogwe through “family life” and “evangelism” departments carried out a workshop on fighting violence against women, children and female teenagers in Vunga Parish. Men were also invited in order to discuss with the women on how to make a peaceful family with good relationship. 33 men and their wives attended the workshop
The discussion focused on the following topics:
Various types of violence and laws against adultery
Respecting the agreements made at the time of both religious and civil wedding;
The commandment of love and mutual-respect between couples;
The head of Evangelism department in EAR Shyogwe Diocese and UEM Evangelism contact person, Rev. NTAKIRUTIMANA Venant, together with Rev. Claudine MUKAWERA, the head of family life department led the discussions and provided the inputs.
The men formed a group to discuss on the above points and the women did the same. After group discussion, they all came together in the plenary session and enumerated the possible causes of family conflicts and violence and they provided some remedies. Each group was reminded to observe its responsibilities and to promote a culture of mutual-support towards the promotion of peace in the family so as to make happy families. “Any kind of violence should be fought “Said one of the resource persons.
All participants decided to go back in their families and make change. They got the necessary inputs to help them create good relationship and fight any form of violence in their families.