Important requirements to be fulfilled by Churches as they seek to reopen

Right Rev. Dr. Kalimba  Jered’s visit to Gahogo Parish before the arrival of COVID-19

Rwanda Interfaith Council (RIC) has appealed to the government of Rwanda to reopen churches and places of worship as restrictions regarding Covid-19 have been eased for many activities. On June 5, 2020, the ministry of local Government organized a meeting with RIC leaders to discuss requirements to be fulfilled by churches towards reopening and once reopened. After more than two weeks, i.e, on June 22, 2020 the ministry of local Government, in collaboration with RIC, presented a list of measures to bear in mind as churches are getting ready for reopening.  

The following are the requirements that churches have to meet once reopened.

All churches in Rwanda are waiting patiently for the government to open up churches as they agree to observe measures outlined. We lift up our eyes to God whose throne is in heaven.

By Mr. Marcel SEBAHIRE

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