in seminars on crossbreeding,farm management,animal feeding,tillage,dairy production systems,farm safety awareness,composting,slurry store management,…
Mbayaya pilot farm aims to innovate ancient agricultural mentality of crop-farmers who normally are still using paleolithic methods in the country and set up a new method of growing variety of plants that fit with both the weather and soils of a region.For example:we encourage people in hot region to grow plants more resistant to droughts and that can also produce fodder for animals.
Whilst in wet areas,farmers are advised to grow plants that resist on erosion and protect the soil from flood.
Mbayaya pilot farm is operating in a tropical climate zone which is normally prosperous for insects,weeds and parasites.Farmers are regularly advised to use drugs for parasite control and for a demonstration farm,it’s a must to teach people the good way of drug dosing and pesticide spreading administration manners that aren’t harmful.
However,our pilot farm is a charity registered demonstration field that encourages crop-farmers to own at least a cow or a domestic animal in order to have access on manure which tremendously help to renew the soil biomass.The ultimate way of creating a society based on equal opportunities for the whole nation,fighting poverty and eradicate conflicts in the region.
The Diocese of SHYOGWE is so thankful to all donors who are partnering for the success of this mission,for their love,zeal,compassion and understanding towards the needy and the poor.
They are always in our remembrance.