Teams from the Northern Ireland have visited Shyogwe several times on annual basis, and, vice versa, this year September-October 2017, a team of four delegates of the Anglican diocese of Shyogwe visited Ireland from the 24th September up to 16th October 2017 (Mrs. AKIMPAYE Emilienne; Mr. NTARINDWA Viateur; Pastor SEHORANA Joseph and Mrs. YANDEREYE Rose). It has been a great opportunity to meet, interact and exchange faith and information from all sides, CMS Ireland, SHYOGWE diocese linked parishes: St Donald, St Mark, and Seagoe and castle rock. One of the delegates (Mrs. AKIMPAYE Emilienne) was given an opportunity to travel to the southern Ireland and meet congregants and church leaders from St Matthias parish in Dublin and she spent two days afterwards she joined the team in the north.