Vunga TVET is a vocational school owned by the Anglican Church of Rwanda Shyogwe Diocese. This school was built in 2007 with help of Canadian friends and partners. It officially opened its doors in 2008 and up to date 712 including the 93 graduates (56 boys and 37 girls) who received their certificates on August 24, 2019. Different dignitaries present in this ceremony included the Rt. Rev. Jered Kalimba, Bishop of Shyogwe diocese; Vice Mayor in charge of social affairs in Ruhango district Mrs. Alphonsine Mukangenzi, and a delegation of our partners from Canada. All these leaders underlined the importance of accessing vocational training as one way of fighting unemployment and poverty among young people who are majority of the Rwandan population. In his remarks, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Jered Kalimba Bishop of Shyogwe diocese shared that the genesis of Vunga TVET was the burden he had to provide a vocational training for Rwandan youth and more particularly those from Mayaga region where the majority of its young people spent their time hanging around and being carried away by drugs. Using the words of the prophet Jeremiah 1:10, he insisted that we are called to uproot all that are harmful to our young people and to build the capacity of all those who are underprivileged in order to help to have a brilliant future. The Vice Mayor in charge of social affairs promised the district support in advocacy and encouraging the community to use the opportunity they have to access vocational training. She also praised the Canadian partners of their role in promoting vocational training in the rural area like Vunga and Mayaga region in general.

Mrs. JoAnne who represented the Canadian delegation expressed her joy of being part of Vunga TVET and of what has been achieved so far since 2007. The Canadian friends have helped to build classrooms, teachers’ residence house, students hostel, water and electricity supply. She encouraged all graduates of Vunga TVET to make use of the skills they’ve got in order to transform their communities.

It was agreed that both church leaders and local authorities must work hand in hand to encourage parents to send their children to Vunga TVET because the number of student attending Vunga TVET those who are from the very region is very low.

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