HOPE International is a network of micro finance institutions and savings & credit associations (SCA) operating in 17 countries around the world. In Rwanda, SCA program partners with local church denominations to provide savings services to those who do not have access to traditional banks, especially those in rural areas and extremely poor communities. By incorporating a strong witness for Jesus Christ and employing a variety of approaches, HOPE works to empower men, women, and families to break the cycles of physical and spiritual poverty.

HOPE started working with PEAR in 2008 with an invitation from the Archbishop Emmanuel KOLINI, who had been in contact with HOPE CEO Peter Greer through URWEGO Community Bank earlier that decade.

YvonneStarting with three dioceses and expanding to 10 dioceses now, the ministry has grown to 6,500 saving groups with a total of 150,000 members.

With the purpose of realizing a self-sustaining community, the Shyogwe Diocese began partnering with HOPE International in 2008. As of August 2014, the Shyogwe SCA program consists of 565 groups with 8640 members: 3295 men and 5345 women.

As the diocese, our great vision with the program is to create a saving and credit fund in which will enable all Christians from different SCA groups to acquire credits so that they can develop themselves in their groups and their families.

Rev Joseph Sehorana