JOSEPHRUGOBAGOBA Church is located in South Central Rwanda, Kamonyi District, and Gacurabwenge Sector. The Parish originated with the Bishop’s idea and plan to extend the Diocesan missionary activities in Kamonyi District. Indeed, before starting Rugobagoba Church, we had only two small Anglican communities in the entire District.

The Church started its activities under a big tree in 1997 with two families (one being the Pastor’s family).

Today, the Parish has 4 chapels (Rugobagoba, Kigusa, Kagarama and Gihogwe) located in three (3) Sectors: Gacurabwenge, Nyarubaka and Musambira of Kamonyi District. It has almost 150 Christians. The Parish is mainly rural, and the population is very poor. Many people are still suffering greatly from the results of the genocide committed against Tutsi in 1994. Together with the Diocese and the governmental local instances, we are trying to handle many survival issues that our people and believers are facing.