• EDUCATION: Encountered challenges 

EDUCATIONWe have overpopulated classes the schools which we built long ego and are really old; therefore  there is need to reconstruct some of the schools  which are in a dangerous state  because  they can collapse andfall on the learners and some of these schools  are : NYAKABUNGO, NTUNGAMO, GAHENGERI, MUREHE AND GISURA.So proposed solution is to construct new classrooms starting with those which have a great need.

We are also calling all friends to support “TWIRERE EDUCATION FUND” which is one of the solutions we can have in education department, because it will be answering many problems regarding schools infrastructures, teaching materials, training the teaching and administration staff.

We need more volunteers in this department who can offer their skills to the Rwandans.

The Shaki school whish was destroyed by the wind and is still not rehabilitated.  Through Twirereabana Education Funds we should help this school such that theyrehabilitate it and students get where to be in the rain season.