Today, on August 28, 2022, the Anglican Church of Rwanda inaugurated the new Diocese of Nyaruguru and the Rt. Revd Vincent HABIMFURA was installed and enthroned as the first Bishop of this Diocese. The Anglican church of Rwanda(EAR), after the inauguration of Nyaruguru Diocese, counts 13 Anglican Dioceses in total. The event took place at Kivugiza village of Nyaruguru District, southern province of Rwanda.
The ceremony was coloured by a very happy crowd of more than 6000 people, namely: Guests from USA, UK, Germany,South Sudan, Burundi and Indonesia, 12 Anglican Bishops and their wives, retired anglican Bishops and their wives , Catholic Bishop and priests of Gikongoro Diocese, Christians from 13 Anglican dioceses of Rwanda and different leaders from local government. The Right Revd Assiel Musabyimana of Kigeme Diocese and the synod members were thanked for accepting to give a part of Kigeme Diocese to start a new diocese of Nyaruguru after a great growth shown by Kigeme Diocese.
The Most Revd Dr. Laurent Mbanda, the Archbishop of the Anglican church of Rwanda and the Rt Revd Dr. Jered Kalimba, the dean of the Anglican church led the ceremony and congratulated the new Bishop of Nyaruguru Diocese on his installation and enthronement. The Rt. Revd Dr. Gahima Manasseh, the Bishop of Gahini Diocese delivered a great sermon based on the call of Jeremiah as written in the book of Jeremiah chapter 1 from verse 1 to 12. He continued by urging the Rt. Revd Vincent Habimfura, the Bishop of Nyaruguru Diocese, other Bishops and all Christians to cling on four important things in order to stand firm and fulfil the calling: Prayer, sanctification, Zeal and keeping head in all situations.
In his speech, the Rt Revd Vincent Habimfura, thanked the Lord God for the calling and expressed a great gratitude to all people for the continued support for the ministry. He said that he will keep the zeal to teach the Word of God and to do all his best to holistically transform the Christians entrusted to him and the community at large. The theme that will guide his leadership is ‘’GOD IS OUR STRENGTH’’ which is translated in latin as DEUS NOSTER FORTITUDE.
The guest of honor, Dr. Usita Kayitesi, the CEO of Rwanda governance Board (RGB) thanked the Anglican church of Rwanda for its great contribution to transform the lives of Rwandans and to scale the development that all Rwandans have chosen to pursue. She also urged Bishop Vincent and all Anglican church leaders to note the challenges that still need to be faced: Poverty, climate change, education for all and teenage pregnancies, just to mention few.
The ceremony was concluded by a word of prayer led by the Most Revd Dr. Laurent Mbanda, the Archbishop of the Anglican Church of Rwanda.
By Marcel Sebahire Mugisha

May the Almighty God strengthen Him, and enable Him in His Calling we give him Congz!