Nyarugenge parish is linked to Matchwood Parish in UK. This link has been characterized by mutual prayers and friendly visits. The Church in Matchwood does also help financially the people of Nyarugenge, the recent projects supported include small animals to widows and orphans, the refurbishing of the pastor’s house and support to the Parish Vocational school with funds to buy materials and to improve the school building.
The history of pastor of NYARUGENGE PARISH and his family
Pastor MUNYAKAZI Augustin born 1956 in southern province his wife is called NIKUZE Violette born 1958, they have five children.
These children are the following:
- MUNYANEZA Justin has 4 children: 3 boys and 1girl. He study up to P6
- NSENGIMANA Samuel has 3 children: 1 boy and 2 girls. He study up to S3
- MANISHIMWE John has Bachelor of social sciences (Hons) Business studies with education in college of education (Kigali Institute of Education KIE) but he still waiting the job.
- KWIZERA John Paul Hope, He study up to S6 and he still waiting the job
- TUYISHIME John Peter, he studies up to S6, he still waiting also to continue his studies in University
The pastor of Nyarugenge parish is a good worker of God with a great courage and great commitment but he suffer with a chronic acute respiratory infection since 1996 up to now, pray for him. Pastor MUNYAKAZI Augustin of NYARUGENGE was a pastor from 04/04/1996 up to 20/08/1997 in MUREHE Parish, 20/08/1997 up to 04/01/2007 in BUTANSINDA Parish, 04/01/2007 up to 29/08/2013 in MBAYAYA Parish and 29/08/2013 up to now in NYARUGENGE.
The brief of history of Nyarugenge parish
Nyarugenge parish is located in Ruhango District, Kinazi Sector in Anglican Church of Rwanda, SHYOGWE DIOCESE.
Nyarugenge parish has 2 schools: GROUP SCOLAIRE NGARUGENGE ( primary school, Nine year basic education and twelve years basic education) and VOCATION TRAINING CENTER, (VTC) which has three options: Tailoring, Welding and Building.
Nyarugenge parish has a good house of pastor but we are not finished to repair very well.
Nyarugenge parish has 5 chapels which are the following:
NYARUGENGE: 400 Christians
KARAMA: 330 Christians
NYAMIYAGA: 120 Christians
NYABUSUNZU: 176 Christians
GACURIRO: 80 Christians
All number of Christians of Ngarugenge parish is 1106, 304 men, 412 women, 213 youth men and 177 children. Nyarugenge parish has 24 cell group churches.
The statistics of Nyarugenge Vocational school are presented in the following table
SEZIBERA Theoneste | Holder of secondary certificate A2 in Constriction | Teacher of Building and relative courses. He is in charge of sport |
MUGENI Marie Rose | Holder of VTC certificate with experience in tailoring | Teacher of tailoring and relative course. She is in charge of leisure activities |
NZAGIBWAMI Augustin | Training in security service | To assure the security of the school. |
| Holder of VTC certificate with experience in Welding | Teacher of Welding and relative course. He is in charge of stock of materials |
HISHAMUNDA Laurent | Holder of Bachelor’s degree in Political Sciences.
| Director of School and Teacher of general courses: Religion, English and Entrepreneurship |
BUILDING &WELDING | 21 | 1 | 22 |
TAILORING | 2 | 23 | 25 |
TOTAL | 23 | 24 | 47 |
Classrooms of Nyarugenge Vocational school
Students of tailoring class. The majority of them are female, here they are displaying the dresses they have made
These are classrooms at Nyarugenge Groupe Scolaire, where students learn from Primary school year one up to senior six and they get their secondary school certificates before going to university.
This is the pastor’s house at Nyarugenge, where Rev. Munyakazi lives with his family
Students in Welding section doing their practical learning. The tools they are using here were bought with financial support from Matchwood
Construction workshop and students at work in Nyarugenge vocational school
Group picture of the students in Vocational school. They are so thankful for the love, prayer and financial support from Matchwood
This is Nyarugenge church building. There is a plan to start refurbishing it this year. This church has become small and it can accommodate all members any longer. The height is also insufficient, there is need to unroof it and elevate the walls so that the roof in not very close and bring much heat during summer times. Some parts of the walls are cracking and need urgent repair. Please do prayer for this project.
- There need for more participation of the church members in cell churches/ groups.
- Nyarugenge area has been strongly affected economically due the raise of malaria in the area and the ravage caused by cassava mosaic or cassava pest; a virus which has swept away all cassava plantation which constitute the food staple and economic backbone for the region. We request prayers for those who suffer from malaria and those affected by the cassava pest. Certainly people will go hunger and poor because their source of income is destroyed.
- The parish is having important projects, refurbishing of the church building and the increase of tools and equipment for the vocational school.
- The supply of more Books for Nyarugenge Groupe Scolaire so that the teaching given in that school is assuring the required quality.
Information gathered on 15 February 2016 by
- Director of VTC Nyarugenge
- Pastor of Nyarugenge Parish
- MUNYAKAZI Augustin
Compiled by Rev. Jean Pierre Methode Rukundo, DDST Contact Person in Shyogwe Diocese