The Rt. Rev. Dr. Jered KALIMBA, Bishop of Shyogwe Diocese, Doctor of Theology
Rev. Joseph SEHORANA, Archdeacon of Hanika and Diocesan Chancellor, Master of Law and Bachelor of TheologyRev RUKUNDO Pierre Methode, Program and Project Manager & Archdeacon of Shyogwe, Master of Theology and Development, Masters in Theology and Development, PhD Candidate Edward NYITURIKI, Archdeacon of Nyarugenge Archdeaconry and Assistant to the Head of Development DepartmentIYAKAREMYE Joseph, Archdeacon of Ndiza ArchdeaconryMrs. Eugenie KAGWERA, Diocesan Administrator , Master of Business AdministrationMrs. Yvonne UWAMAHORO, Saving and Credit Program, Bachelor of DevelopmentRev Venant Ntakirutimana, Mission Coordinator, Master of TheologyClaudine Mukawera, Mothers Union Worker, Bachelor of TheologyMarcel SEBAHIRE, Education and Youth Coordinator Ndeze Gilbert, Internal Auditor, Bachelor of AccountancyMr. Uzziel SIBOMANA, Diocesan Accountant, A2 in AccountancyMUKAMUSONI Solange Secretary to the Bishop & Cashier