Today, 19th October 2018, we cerebrated a joyful day of closing the yearly Education Week in the Anglican Church of Rwanda, Shyogwe Diocese. The Diocesan Education week for this year 2018 started on October 15, 2018 and the closing ceremony took place at Group Scholaire Shaki/NDIZA Archdeaconry in Muhanga District, Nyabinoni Sector, Gashorera Cell.
More than 30 Headteachers, 2000 Students, 500 Parents, 25 Anglican Pastors and Local government authorities attended this event.
The ceremony started by praying and singing, and then, the Bishop of EAR Shyogwe Diocese proceeded by giving the sermon full of lessons. He said that learning is the master key to deliver people from all kind of bondage. He further said that Moses who was an educated person, helped by God, Delivered Israelites from the slavery in Egypt.
During this ceremony, the best Performers students were presented by Mr. Marcel SEBAHIRE, Diocesan Education officer and they were awarded by the right Rev. Dr. KALIMBA Jered, the guest of honor.
All praise to God Almighty and many thanks to everyone who participated to make this ceremony very live and interesting.
By Mr. Marcel SEBAHIRE, Diocesan Education Officer