The event took place today 24/01/2016 in Musambira Sector, Kamonyi district in the presence of the Archdeacon of Nyarugenge Archdeaconry and other leaders from Shyogwe Diocese: Rev MUKAMWIZA Charlotte (Mission Coordinator), Rev SEHORANA Joseph (Human and Material Resources Manager), Mrs. UWIZEYE Claudine (Mother’s Union Worker) and Mr. NIYOMUGABA Felicien (leader of Rugobagoba Parish). Furthermore, many choirs from Rugobagoba Parish and ABAHIRIWE Choir of Gahogo Parish have vigorously animated the event.
The new chapel in Musambira center has born with almost 40 congregants comprising the family Mr. GAKUBA Francis (the catechist), the children and four (4) families from Rugobagoba and Kagarama chapels. This new chapel will help to spread out the Anglican Church in the region as we still have only 3 parishes in the entire Kamonyi District (Rugobagoba, Runda and Kiyonza Parishes) and one zone of Evangelism (Mbayaya).
The new chapel will be under the leadership of Rugobagoba Parish, but with the intent to make it self-governing in the near future-as it is very difficult for people from there to reach Rugobagoba church headquarter.
Please keep in prayer Mr. Francis GAKUBA who will lead Musambira chapel and the new believers who have been newly converted to Jesus Christ. Pray also for Rugobagoba Parish and the Diocese as we are trying to find the land and the church building for Musambira church.
Rev Joseph


  1. Titus Kabanda

    God bless you,I remember in 1997 we try to start the chapel in that region, on 22/05/1997 we bought a little parcel then on 26/10/1997 we open the chapel in a little house but very old, I don’t forget the family of Simon Seburikoko, Martin Kanyamibwa , Alexis Sibomana and Dyns Serukabuza. for me I continued my prayer for Rugobagoba Parish and new leader of Musambira Mr. Francis GAKUBA.

    1. Joseph

      I think Francis has to go and revisit the families which were with you in the time. God will remember your commitment and what you have done for Rugobagoba. Be blessed!

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