AIP 1 The Anglican Church, Shyogwe Diocese has been involved in technical education and training for long time. We own many schools in the Southern Province such as Hanika Technical Secondary School, St Peter College of Shyogwe, VTC Vunga, VTC Kabuga, VTC Rugendabari and Muhanga Youth Technological Center (MYTEC).

AIP 2Now we wish to open an institution of high learning to teach technical skills which are highly needed in our part to ensure quality education and support Government efforts in education in order to contribute to economic development of Rwandan people for its Excellency in services.

Today we have completed preparations and we don’t doubt that WDA will soon give us


The Anglican Integrated Polytechnic Institute shall be committed to provide students with the opportunity to acquiring the practical knowledge and technical skills they need to contribute to and benefit from the Rwandan renaissance and enable rural communities emerge from poverty. It is a continuation of the already existing technical education to turn it into an integrated polytechnic. A “trainer centered” approach will fosteAIP 3r “skills on hand”. Field work will engage students in real world activities and develop their hands-on skills. Short courses, certificate, diploma and higher diploma programs will be offered to respond to specific local, national and regional development needs. Academic learning, research and development will lead to international standards of education. To support its ability to fulfill this commitment, the institution will establish collaboration with institutions of renown and standing in the region and further. AIP’s mission includes preparing informed and productive Rwandan citizens, able to take their place in the world. In this complex and turbulent times, our intention is for our students to be exemplars and leaders in their fields of endeavors, artisan or professional, industrial or welfare, profit making or charitable, public or private to build up the economic and social structures of Rwanda.

All our programs are application oriented to give our students the best possible prospects to create or find employment on successful completion of their studies, our programs coupled with a range of subjects to support family and community development and the rural economy.


Located conveniently on spacious campus in the Town of Nyanza District, the Anglican Integrated Polytechnic Institute provides an excellent environment, facilities and ambiance to enable students to apply themselves to their studies. There will be also satellite campuses to support in expanding the training activities as time goes by.


  1. good decision. go ahead.

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