The Anglican Church of Rwanda is growing! In their meeting held at Musanze in Shyira Diocese on February, 14, 2020, the Bishops have resolved to create a Missionary Diocese of Karongi and elected Rev. Jean Pierre Methode Rukundo as its first Bishop. The public may ask who Bishop Elect Methode is. I had a privilege to work with him for many years as senior Diocesan employees when he was serving in different capacities: Head of Development Department; Parish Priest, Archdeacon, etc. I clearly know him as a servant with solid testimony and experience that I wanted to share with you in the following paragraphs.
Bishop Elect Jean Pierre Methode Rukundo was born on December 7th 1971 in Ruhango District. He went to Gitisi Catholic and Nyamagana Anglican Primary schools. He was baptized in 1981 and confirmed in 1982 at Nyamagana Parish. He accepted Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior in 1986 and he was nurtured by his Grand Mother Phoebe, who taught him to pray and to study the Bible as the true reveled Word of God. He grew up in the knowledge of the Lord till he joined Shyogwe Diocese in 1995 to serve a Development Officer after completing secondary school in Agriculture.

Bishop Elect Jean Pierre Methode is married to Jeanne d’ Arc Mukabatesi and they are blessed with five kids (Maxime, Hope, Bonte, Phoebe and Noble). They have welcomed orphans in their house and have helped also vulnerable children to study secondary and university schools through their charity known as Second Chance Rukundo Ministry, financially helped by Christ Church Amsterdam South and its members.
Bishop Jean Pierre Methode has a certificate in project planning and management from IPD-AC, Douala-Cameroun (2000). He has a certificate in Theology, Land and Sustainable Development between Israel and Palestine from Swedish Theological Institute at Jerusalem in Israel (2017).
He has a Diploma in Theology from FTPB currently known as PIASS at Huye – Rwanda (1997-1999).
He has a Bachelor’s Degree of Divinity from Uganda Christian University, Bishop Barham College (2005-2009)
He has a Master’s Degree of Evangelical Theology from Tyndale Theological Seminary based in Amsterdam/ the Netherlands (2010-2013).
He is finishing a Ph.D. in Theology and Development from Nairobi Graduate School of Theology in Kenya.
Bishop Elect Jean Pierre Methode has done different trainings and seminars on holistic development, counseling, peace and reconciliation, building maintenance, leadership and advocacy, marriage and pastoral care. He teaches as part-time Lecturer at Protestant University of Rwanda (PUR-PIASS), he has published two books and he likes open debates of transformational development, African history and politics. He has served as a Parish Pastor, as an Archdeacon, as Diocesan Development Officer in Shyogwe Diocese and as General Secretary of the Anglican Church of Rwanda. He is a friend of the poor and loves the Youth in a special way. He is a man who loves to repent and to ask for forgiveness. He has a great sense of humor. He is happy to go and serve the Missionary Diocese of Karongi with the only hope as found in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 – 24, especially verse 24 ” the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it “. His Motto will be Ora Lege et labora (Pray, study and work) cf. St. Benedict.
Bishop Elect Jean Pierre Methode is thankful to the Lord Jesus, to family and friends and to the House of Bishops of the Anglican Church of Rwanda, especially His Grace the Archbishop Dr. Laurent Mbanda, to Bishop Dean Dr. Jered Kalimba, and Bishop Augustin Ahimana of Kivu, the Mother Diocese of Karongi.

Ven. SEHORANA Joseph, Archdeacon of Hanika